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  • Archaeological excavations in the village of Namonastrev of Keda municipality were resumed - 12 აგვისტო, 2022

    In the valley of Meris (Akavreta) of Keda Municipality, in particular in the village of Namonastrev, archaeological works have been renewed, which are being financed by the Adjara Cultural Heritage Protection Agency.Head of the expedition, Nargiz Surmanidze) last year, as a result of archaeological excavations, a hall-type church was discovered in the mentioned area. At this stage, research is being carried out in the eastern and southern sections of the church.Fragments of a pitcher, a pitcher, a pot and a jug and an almost completely preserved clay candlestick) At this stage, research is being carried out in the eastern and southern sections of the church.A rocky massif was revealed, which probably excludes the presence of tombs in this section. At the same time, reconnaissance of the surrounding areas of the church is being carried out.